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Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal
Best Dental Service in Bahrain!
Root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp) and cleaning and disinfecting it, then filling and sealing it. The common causes affecting the pulp are a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment to the tooth or trauma to it. The term “root canal” comes from cleaning of the canals inside the tooth’s root.
Do I Need A Root Canal?
root canals, also known as endodontic therapy, are performed when the nerve or pulp of the tooth becomes infected and inflamed due to dental decay, a cracked or broken tooth, or an injury to the tooth. These things usually cause a tooth pain, which can leave you looking for ways to get much-needed relief. However, only a dentist can answer the question: “Do I need a root canal?” So, its better to visit us @ Dr Sadiq Sharaf Dental Center right away if you notice tooth pain, swelling, or tenderness, and we will help you get on the right track towards treatment.
Are you Planning for a Root Canal Treatment?
Many people worry that a root canal will be painful, something that was true in the past. Today, with advanced anesthesia options and surgical techniques – a root canal is as comfortable as getting a filling. An infected tooth (pre-root canal), is usually what causes tooth pain, and a root canal is the solution to this problem. In fact, infected tooth pulp can cause a tooth abscess and can destroy the bone surrounding the tooth.
A treated and restored tooth can last a lifetime with proper care. Root canals have a high success rate and are significantly less expensive than the alternative, tooth extraction and replacement with a bridge or implant. But tooth decay can still occur in treated teeth, so good oral hygiene and regular dental exams are necessary to prevent further problems.
To determine the success or failure of root canal treatment, dentists typically compare new X-rays with those taken prior to treatment. This comparison will show whether bone continues to be lost or is being regenerated. Sometimes there are cases wherein root canals are not successful its mainly because an infection develops inside the tooth, or the original infection was not fully removed. In these cases, an apicoectomy, is done. Other Cases a second root canal is recommended.
Best Dental Service in Bahrain
Let’s consider that you’ve already had a root canal treatment, but that same tooth is giving you problems again & again. This time, your dentist suggests a different dental procedure, it called an apicoectomy.
Our teeth are held in place by roots that extend into our jawbone. An apicoectomy is a minor surgical procedure that removes the apex, or very tip, of the tooth’s root. An apicoectomy, might be necessary if an infection develops or continues after a root canal. If this is suggested for you, it means your tooth cannot be saved by conventional root canal treatment. Often, the only alternative to an apicoectomy is removing the tooth, which could affect adjacent teeth that are healthy. The purpose pf apicoectomy is to preserve the function of your natural tooth.
What happens When you do Apicoectomy?
First, local anesthesia is used to make you comfortable. During the treatment, an incision is made in the gum near the tooth to expose and get rid of any inflamed or infected tissue. Your endodontist will also remove the tip of the tooth’s root. The end of the root canal is sealed with a small filling. A few stitches are used to close the gum tissue and the bone heals around the end of the root over the next few months. Many patients are able to continue to normal activities the next day. You may experience discomfort and swelling as you heal. Make sure to follow postoperative instructions – including diet and brushing advice – given by our endodontist. Call us immediately if your pain doesn’t respond to medication or recovery instructions.
Emergency Cases
17696688 & 17772700Opening Hours
- Saturday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Sunday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Monday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Tuesday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Wednesday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Thursday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Friday :- 10 AM – 06 PM