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Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is an art form. In fact, cosmetic dentistry refers to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily functionality) of teeth, gums and/or bite. It primarily focuses on dental aesthetics in color, position, shape, size, alignment and overall smile appearance.
If your teeth are stained, discolored, worn, chipped, broken, misaligned, misshapen, or have gaps between them, dont worry, We can give you a better smile which inturn improves the appearance of your smile through one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures. Our dentists can work with you & develop a treatment plan for a better smile. Below you’ll find some information that can help you learn more about the various types of cosmetic dental procedures available at Dr Sadiq Sharaf Dental Center
Teeth Whitening
Best Dental Center in Bahrain!
Teeth whitening remains one of the best-known and simplest forms of cosmetic dentistry. Frequently, dentists recommend teeth whitening when teeth become stained and worn due to the effects of some foods, drinks, medications and personal habits including tobacco use.
Professional teeth whitening takes place in your dentist’s office, after your dentist first ensures that no plaque, tartar, or other debris are present.
There are plenty of teeth whitening products available in Pharma store, but the most effective and fastest way is to have it done professionally is by a Dentist who practices cosmetic dentistry.
Teeth Bleaching
Home Teeth Bleaching Kit
Would you like to maintain a brighter smile? the best option will be to do teeth whitening from a dentist and maintain it by bleaching from home. Home based bleaching contain from 3% to 20% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxides). Clinic based Teeth whitening contain from 15% to 43% peroxide. Generally, the longer you keep a stronger solution on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become. However, the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter it should be applied to the teeth. Keeping the gel on longer will dehydrate the tooth and increase tooth sensitivity.
Before you try it at home with a bleaching kits, be sure to talk with a dentist because not everyone will see a good results. Bleaching will not whiten porcelain crowns or composite tooth colored bondings.
Teeth bleaching: Why You Should Talk to Your Dentist?
Tooth bleaching can make teeth temporarily sensitive or be uncomfortable for people who already have sensitive teeth. When used incorrectly, home bleaching kits can also lead to burned gums. Tooth Bleaching works best for people with yellow teeth and is less effective for people with brown teeth. If your teeth are gray or purple, tooth bleaching probably won’t work at all.
To be sure tooth-whitening is worth your time and money, talk to our dentist before you use a tooth bleaching kit.
Veneers (Hollywood Smile)
Best Dental Center in Bahrain!
Hollywood smile refers to the ideal designer smile most celebrities and models glove. It constitutes specific attributes of pearly, bright, aligned, and gap-free whites. The Hollywood smile procedure is a simple procedure that can fix an extensive array of dental impairments. The aim of this smile is to get an ideal set of teeth and a glowing grin.
The technology relies solely on dental veneers, shell-like structures made of varying materials that apply to the facade of teeth. The function of dental veneers is to eclipse the present mishaps and reinvent the smile. For instance, Dental issues that a Hollywood smile procedure can fix are dental discolorations, staining, deterioration, and gaps. All the above problems can have adverse consequences on self-esteem and self-image
The Procedure Of A Hollywood Smile; A Hollywood smile is a procedure that breaks into multiple sessions. During the first consultation session, the dentist with conduct a thorough examination of the patient’s state of teeth and jaw. If issues such as cavities, infections, or gum disease are present, the initial objective is to treat the issue on hand before starting with Hollywood Smile Treatment. After treatment, an impression is taken of the patient’s mouth through having the patient bite on a mold. The measurements and the impressions are then sent to an off-site laboratory to craft the structures. Once the units are ready, our dentist will schedule an appointment with you to place your Hollywood smile.
In Summary, hollywood smile is a very feasible option to fix the aesthetics of your teeth and have a flawless smile. The impact dental issues have on one’s self-esteem cannot be disregarded. Fortunately, anyone can overcome dental issues-induced low self-worth through cosmetic dentistry and Hollywood Smile. A simple procedure as a Hollywood smile can reinvent the grin through simple techniques. For example, through the use of varying dental veneers which can eclipse nearly all dental issues. From chipping, discoloration, stains, and gaps, to misalignment, a Hollywood smile can conceal nearly all issues.
Lumineers are a common favorite among patients for their ability to create a facade of perfection without having to damage the enamel. However, in severe cases of discoloration, and given the thin nature of the lumineer shells, they can not conceal deep stains and discolorations. In extreme cases of mishaps, porcelain veneers are a viable option. Moreover, seek the professional advice of a certified doctors for a Hollywood smile. Because a reputable doctor will try to eliminate enamel damage in a Hollywood smile as far as possible. Finally, whether patients opt for lumineers, porcelain veneers, and composite veneers a Hollywood Smile will yield natural results.
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- Saturday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Sunday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Monday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Tuesday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Wednesday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Thursday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Friday :- 10 AM – 06 PM