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Laser Dentistry
Laser dentistry is on the latest & advanced technology in dentistry. In laser dentistry, dentist uses lasers to treat a number of different dental conditions. LASER stands for “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.” The instrument creates light energy in a very narrow and focused beam. This laser light produces a reaction when it hits tissue, allowing it to remove or shape the tissue
In Dr sadiq Sharaf Dental Center, We Use Laser dentistry in a variety of procedures, which includes:
- gingivectomy
- operculectomy
- ulcer healing
- gingival curettage
Lasers can make dental treatments more efficient, cost effective, and comfortable. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved laser dentistry as a treatment option for several dental conditions.
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Gingivectomy is surgical removal of gum tissue, or gingiva. Gingivectomy can be used to treat conditions like gingivitis. It’s also used to remove extra gum tissue for cosmetic reasons, such as to modify a smile.
A dentist may recommend gingivectomy if you have gum recession from:
- aging
- gum diseases, like gingivitis
- bacterial infections
- gum injury
What to expect during gingivectomy procedure? A gingivectomy takes 30 to 60 minutes, depending on how much gum tissue your dentist removes. Minor procedures involving a single tooth or several teeth will probably only take a single session. Major gum removal or reshaping may take several visits, especially if your dentist wants one area to heal before they move onto the next. Here’s how the basic procedure works:
- Your dentist injects local anesthetic into the gums to numb the area.
- Your dentist uses a laser tool to cut away pieces of gum tissue. This is called soft tissue incision.
- During the procedure, your dentist will likely keep a suction tool in your mouth to remove excess saliva.
- Once the tissue has been cut away, your dentist will likely use a laser tool to vaporize remaining tissue and shape the gumline.
- Your dentist will give you the after procedure instruction & home care instruction, if neded we provide you with the medication
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Operculectomy is the surgical procedure of removing the operculum, or the flap of gum that partially covers a tooth. This procedure is done to treat pericoronitis, a condition characterised by pain and inflammation of the operculum. Pericoronitis typically occurs among young adults, especially those whose wisdom tooth is starting to erupt.
The dental operculum is a mass of soft tissue found on a partially erupted tooth. It is most commonly associated with lower wisdom teeth though it can also be seen covering the permanent molars and some baby teeth. It is quite apparent when a tooth begins to erupt and peek through the gum tissue. In normal circumstances, the gum tissue recedes as the tooth continues to erupt and moves into its proper position. A fully erupted tooth should no longer have any flap of gum tissue on its chewing surface.
In the case of the lower wisdom teeth, there is typically little to no space left for the tooth to fully erupt and come out of the gum line. As such, the operculum over the wisdom teeth does not fully recede and could permanently cover the affected tooth. The presence of operculum sometimes causes oral health issues. There is an increased chance of biting the closely adjacent cheek tissue or the operculum itself. Tooth decay is also another possibility since it is quite difficult to clean the area underneath the gum. This condition could develop even if proper oral hygiene is practiced. The upper molars could also cause pressure on their lower counterpart, causing pain. This might impact the patient’s quality of life, as eating becomes a painful activity.
How is the Procedure Performed? Dentists’ usually uses diode laser to perform the removal of an inflamed operculum. The most common type of laser used in this procedure is carbon dioxide laser. Following the administration of local anaesthesia, the handpiece of the laser is held near the target tissue. Using laser pulses, the target tissue is ablated. The dentist has to make sure that the enamel of the tooth is not hit by the laser pulse to avoid tooth damage. Once all the operculum tissue has been removed, and haemostasis has been achieved, the handpiece is slowly moved out of the surgical site. The wound is left open to heal by itself.
Ulcer Healing (Canker Sores)
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Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores or aphthous ulcers, are small lesions in the mouth and around the gum tissue that can cause pain when talking, smiling, eating, or drinking. Mouth ulcers are not the same as cold sores which are caused by the herpes simplex virus, ulcer sores do not occur on the outside surface of your lips and they are not contagious.
What Causes Mouth Ulcers? It is hard to pinpoint the exact cause of canker sores but is thought to be a combination of factors including:
- Stress
- Acidic foods
- Trauma to the tissues of the mouth from biting, overzealous brushing, dental work, or eating
- Allergies to ingredients in foods or drinks
- Toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate
Having canker sores that constantly develop or persist for long periods of time may indicate other underlying health issues like:Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or other Gastrointestinal disorders, Impaired immune system, A Diet lacking in vitamins B12, folic acid, iron, or zinc
DENTAL LASERS CAN TREAT MOUTH ULCERS INSTANTLY ; We are so proud of having a dental laser at Dr Sadiq Sharaf Dental Center that can treat mouth ulcers and provide instant relief from the pain and sensitivity. Our dentists use a soft tissue diode laser to treat mouth ulcers. Many studies have shown that treating mouth ulcers with a laser will result in much faster healing time and drastic reduction in pain. The soft tissue diode laser we use works by modifying the nerve conduction in the lesions; it vaporizes the tissue around the sore and sterilizes the area. The laser also stimulates cell turnover to speed the wound healing time and decrease the time the sore lasts.
Treating your sore when it first begins or in the first few days delivers the quickest healing times and fastest results. If you have suffered with annoying and painful mouth ulcers, please contact our clinic & book an appointment with our doctors to see if we can provide you instant relief and a faster healing period. We can’t wait to see you and make you feel better!
Gingival Curettage
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The word curettage is used in periodontics to mean the scraping of the gingival wall of a periodontal pocket to remove diseased soft tissue. Scaling refers to the removal of deposits from the root surface, whereas planing means smoothing the root to remove infected and necrotic tooth substance. Scaling and root planing may inadvertently include various degrees of curettage. However, they are different procedures with different rationales and indications. Gingival curettage consists of the removal of the inflamed soft tissue lateral to the pocket wall and the junctional epithelium.

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- Saturday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
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- Tuesday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Wednesday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
- Thursday :- 8 AM – 11 PM
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